My DNA Makeup
Scottish and Irish DNA

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Rumours of 'Romni' decent Roma (Gypsies) originated in the Punjab region of northern India as a nomadic people and Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries C.E. they were called "Gypsies" because Europeans mistakenly believed they came from Egypt. ... By the 1920s, there were also a number of Romani shopkeepers

Caribbean and West African DNA

Saint Kitts and Nevis have one of the longest written histories in the Caribbean, both islands being among Spain's and England first colonies in the archipelago. despite being only two miles apart and quite diminutive in size, saint Kitts and Nevis were widely recognised as being separates entities with distinct identities until they were forcibly united in the late 19th century.

The Indian community in Saint Kitts and Nevis is made up of Indo-Kittitians, Indo-Nevisians, non-resident Indians and persons of Indian origin. Indo-Kittitians and Indo-Nevisians are nationals of Saint Kitts and Nevis whose ancestry lies within the country of India. The community originated from the Indian indentured workers brought to Saint Kitts and Nevis by the British in 1861 and 1874 respectively. By 1884, most of the community had emigrated to Caribbean nations with larger Indian populatio

Saint Kitts and Nevis have one of the longest written histories in the Caribbean, both islands being among Spain's and England first colonies in the archipelago. despite being only two miles apart and quite diminutive in size, saint Kitts and Nevis were widely recognised as being separates entities with distinct identities until they were forcibly united in the late 19th century.
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Info links
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-44208691 - Scottish history and identity article
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Rom - Roma Gypsy history and origins
https://mixedracefaces.com/home/2018/8/scottish-nigerian - Story/ blog by mixedracesfaces.com
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/caribbean/saint-kitts-and-nevis/articles/St-Kitts-back-to-my-island-roots/ - St kits back to the island root article on the ancestry and history
My DNA Test Results

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what I think I know about my DNA?
A genealogical DNA test is a DNA-based test which looks at specific locations of a person's genome, in order to find or verify ancestral genealogical relationships or (with lower reliability) to estimate the ethnic mixture of an individual.

St kits and Navis
Ethnic groups (2001)
92.5% African
3% Multiracial
2.1% European
1.5% Indian
0.6% Other
0.3% Unspecified
Ethnic groups (2011)
96.0% White
2.7% Asian
0.7% Black
0.4% Mixed
0.2% Arab
0.1% other[6]
Mums side of family

Grandparents (mums side)
Trinidad and Tobago
Grandparents (dads side)